5 May 2024, 10:10 | Died at level 1782 by gore horn, sabretooth, a gore horn, a gorerilla, a hulking prehemoth and a emerald tortoise and sabretooth. | 6 Apr 2024, 09:35 | Died at level 1764 by Darklight Source, Baha Druid, a darklight source and a darklight striker and Baha Druid. | 4 Apr 2024, 12:01 | Died at level 1732 by Sopping Carcass, Baha Druid, a meandering mushroom, a oozing carcass, a rotten man-maggot, a sopping carcass and a bloodjaw and Baha Druid. | 4 Apr 2024, 11:20 | Died at level 1728 by Oozing Carcass, Baha Druid, a meandering mushroom, a oozing carcass, a rotten man-maggot, a sopping carcass and a bloodjaw and Baha Druid. | 4 Apr 2024, 11:18 | Died at level 1730 by Radicular Totem, Baha Druid, a sopping carcass, a radicular totem and a bloodjaw and Baha Druid. |