28 Feb 2024, 22:40 | Died at level 1266 by Paladin's Apparition, Kossano Biin Law, a sorcerer's apparition, a distorted phantom, a knight's apparition, a many faces, a druid's apparition and a paladin's apparition and Kossano Biin Law. | 26 Feb 2024, 22:01 | Died at level 1257 by Knight's Apparition, Kossano Biin Law, a sorcerer's apparition, a distorted phantom, a many faces, a knight's apparition and a paladin's apparition and Kossano Biin Law. | 21 Feb 2024, 23:02 | Died at level 1237 by Sopping Corpus, Dukera Frenetico, a sopping corpus, a oozing corpus, a mycobionticbeetle and a bloated man-maggot and Dukera Frenetico. | 21 Feb 2024, 22:37 | Died at level 1235 by Oozing Corpus, Dukera Frenetico, a mycobionticbeetle, a bloated man-maggot, a oozing corpus, a sopping corpus and a bloodjaw and Dukera Frenetico. | 21 Feb 2024, 22:34 | Died at level 1236 by Mycobiontic Beetle, Bloated Man-Maggot, a mycobionticbeetle, a oozing corpus, a sopping corpus and a bloodjaw and Bloated Man-Maggot. |