14 May 2024, 11:46 | Died at level 2133 by Sorcerer's Apparition, Distorted Phantom, a many faces, a mirror image and a sorcerer's apparition and Distorted Phantom. | 13 May 2024, 08:56 | Killed at level 2133 by Marking Invencivel. | 8 May 2024, 21:05 | Died at level 2130 by Sorcerer Dungeon. | 20 Apr 2024, 11:52 | Died at level 2103 by Darklight Source, U Z I, a darklight striker, a walking pillar, a darklight source and a darklight matter and U Z I. | 20 Apr 2024, 10:58 | Died at level 2102 by Walking Pillar, U Z I, a walking pillar, a darklight matter, a darklight striker, a darklight source and a bloodjaw and U Z I. |