23 May 2024, 02:23 | Died at level 1464 by Turbulent Elemental. | 7 May 2024, 00:59 | Died at level 1437 by Many Faces, a mirror image, a druid's apparition, a knight's apparition and a distorted phantom. | 5 May 2024, 16:53 | Died at level 1438 by Many Faces, a knight's apparition, a sorcerer's apparition, a mirror image and a distorted phantom. | 5 May 2024, 16:52 | Died at level 1440 by Knight's Apparition, Many Faces, a sorcerer's apparition, a mirror image, a knight's apparition and a distorted phantom and Many Faces. | 5 May 2024, 16:49 | Died at level 1443 by Knight's Apparition, Sorcerer's Apparition, a mirror image, a many faces, a knight's apparition and a distorted phantom and Sorcerer's Apparition. |