25 May 2024, 22:24 | Died at level 1031 by Hellflayer, Braga Elyx and a hellflayer and Braga Elyx. | 19 May 2024, 19:59 | Killed at level 1028 by To Chick and O Gringo Safado and O Gringo Safado. | 18 May 2024, 15:09 | Killed at level 1028 by Nanashi Mumei and a streaked devourer. | 15 May 2024, 01:44 | Died at level 1024 by Druid's Apparition, Ringos, a paladin's apparition, a sorcerer's apparition, a distorted phantom, a druid's apparition, a many faces, a knight's apparition and a mirror image and Ringos. | 14 May 2024, 02:12 | Died at level 1014 by Knight's Apparition, Negan Gold, a sorcerer's apparition, a paladin's apparition, a knight's apparition, a many faces, a mirror image and a druid's apparition and Negan Gold. |