17 May 2024, 13:57 | Died at level 797 by Icecold Book, a squid warden and an animated feather. | 17 May 2024, 13:14 | Died at level 794 by Icecold Book, Animated Feather, an icecold book and a squid warden and Animated Feather. | 16 May 2024, 21:25 | Died at level 785 by gore horn, Neurotico Possessivo, a sulphider, a sabretooth, a hulking prehemoth, a gorerilla, a gore horn and a emerald tortoise and Neurotico Possessivo. | 16 May 2024, 20:54 | Died at level 784 by hulking prehemoth, gore horn, a fungosaurus, a sabretooth, a gorerilla, a hulking prehemoth and a emerald tortoise and gore horn. | 16 May 2024, 20:47 | Killed at level 786 by Rezkko, Feh Cigarrets, a gorerilla, a gore horn, a hulking prehemoth and a emerald tortoise and Feh Cigarrets. |