12 May 2024, 22:09 | Died at level 1800 by noxious ripptor, shrieking cry-stal, a headpecker, a fungosaurus, a noxious ripptor, a mercurial menace and a mantosaurus and shrieking cry-stal. | 12 May 2024, 22:04 | Died at level 1801 by shrieking cry-stal, a headpecker, a mantosaurus, a mercurial menace and a noxious ripptor. | 12 May 2024, 21:28 | Died at level 1803 by emerald tortoise, a sabretooth, a gorerilla, a hulking prehemoth and a gore horn. | 12 May 2024, 02:06 | Died at level 1803 by Darklight Striker, Voldemort Elyx, a walking pillar, a darklight matter, a darklight source, a darklight striker and a bloodjaw and Voldemort Elyx. | 9 May 2024, 11:09 | Died at level 1790 by Darklight Source, Data, a darklight striker, a walking pillar, a darklight source and a darklight matter and Data. |